Quantum Phenomena:
The universe operates within defined parameters, adheres to constants, and follows laws, implying that conditions allowing for the existence of creatures like us are fundamental to its functioning. This underscores our ability to exist within a universe compatible with intelligent life. The intricate interconnection between our existence and the universe implies that we are products of the universe, potentially governed by similar principles.
Quantum phenomena challenge the perception of the material world, suggesting it may not be purely material. Beyond our visible perception lies a realm of non-material forms. Although invisible, these forms have the capability to manifest in the tangible world and influence us. Reality is a realm of potential, from which all empirical phenomena emerge. Indications point towards cosmic potentiality forms being composed of informational patterns, akin to thought patterns, and arranged similarly. Our current understanding of the world depicts it as an undivided whole, where interconnectedness prevails, and consciousness stands as a unique property.
The assertion is made that consciousness is responsible for the universe’s existence. This prompts the idea that consciousness might have preceded everything, initiating a quantum leap from singularity to duality. The contemplation arises that the universe itself may have achieved a form of self-awareness.
Concepts are the building blocks of thoughts.
Locality and Quantum Physics:
The discovery that the universe is not locally real has been one of the most unsettling developments of the last half-century. “Real” means that objects have certain properties independent of observation—an apple can be red even when no one is looking. However, “local” means that objects can only be affected by their surroundings, and any influence cannot travel faster than light. Research at the frontiers of quantum physics has revealed that these two things cannot be true simultaneously. Instead, evidence suggests that objects are not only influenced by their environment but may also lack or have certain properties prior to measurement.
Yet, from our direct experience, consciousness is undeniably present—the most intimate aspect of ourselves, referred to as “I.”
Situations are constantly shifting. Our minds, bodies, and environments will inevitably change from moment to moment, even if the changes are small. The conscious witnessing presence, this “I,” never changes. It is always present, open, available, and aware. Despite the unconscious association of consciousness with body and mind, careful examination reveals that consciousness itself has never changed. The conscious presence we experience now has always been present throughout our lives.
Consciousness exists because concepts are its final outcome, with their own objective value. Comparative analysis involves comparing one value with another or with others. Concepts are made up of information, and our world is constructed from this information. If we attempt to find consciousness by turning our attention to it, we cannot see or find it because it has no objective qualities. These qualities, if they existed, would be part of the current situation being experienced, appearing alongside all other objects.
All that we believe we know comes from our minds—the origin of everything. As we learn words from others, we create our own world of words and concepts. The phenomenal world cannot exist without our presence; it can only exist if we are there first. We begin our day with the world and end it by disappearing from it. During sleep, we even lose the ability to identify ourselves as a person; we are just who we are. Upon waking, our minds start generating concepts that create our bodies and the world around us. Ideas and will are the beginnings of everything. The creation process is triggered by these two factors. There is always a result for every creation, whether visible or not. Concepts like nothing, white, and empty remain illusory.
Determinism and Material Structures:
Material structures consist primarily of empty space, with only a tiny amount of matter within each atom. Consider the fact that most of the atom is completely empty. Protons and neutrons are contained in a nucleus surrounded by electrons, and quarks are particles found within the proton and neutron nuclei. According to the most advanced theories, we believe that the tiniest things in the world exist inside quarks.
In the early 1970s, the Standard Model of particle physics was developed, accurately predicting and explaining a wide range of phenomena. Almost all experimental results can be explained with it, describing the universe’s four fundamental forces and fundamental particles. Physicists can explain how these forces and particles relate to each other, but the why remains elusive. The cause of everything else is true that science and religion are profoundly intertwined, if not in practice, at least historically.
Almost all religious traditions, past and present, have creation myths explaining the origin of all things through the action of a deity or deities or through some process that defies the laws of nature. According to these myths, there is an Absolute Being, a cause existing outside the normal workings of the world. This cause exists outside of space and time, outside of the chain of causation defining the material world. Science, on the other hand, is limited to the physical realm. The theory of everything is based on the energy and matter of physical forces but does not address metaphysical questions. Philosophy traditionally begins with metaphysics—a theory about the essence of things, the fundamental laws of the universe. Science aims to provide more concrete answers to similar questions, while metaphysics attempts to answer the question, “What is the nature of reality?” Traditionally considered a subcategory of ontology, metaphysics describes the origins and structure of the universe.
The Positrons: A Transformative Revelation
Positrons have emerged to reshape our reality in an unprecedented manner. For the first time, scientists have witnessed positrons ejecting from the sun, marking a unique occurrence within our reality system.
A positron, the anti-particle of the electron, signifies the sun’s emission of particles from its spiritual counterpart. This sheds new light on the separation of solar radiation, comets, and other cosmic entities. It becomes apparent that every time space particles enter our atmosphere, it is the anti-particles, specifically positrons, that convert these twin particles into a new harmonic within the spiritual quantum. Understanding positrons requires acknowledging that every element possesses its opposite; in this case, the positron is the spiritual twin of the electron, reflecting the duality of matter and anti-matter.
This revelation prompts a profound realization: the convergence of science and spirituality. Scientists are recognizing that, during the universe’s birth, particles and antiparticles separated, and they are now witnessing the return of antiparticles. The reunion of particles and antiparticles symbolizes a spiritual and physical reunion, a harmonious oneness.
Teachings from the Guardians of the Earth over the past fifteen years have emphasized that our current reality relies on the reverse spin technology, trapping our mind-self in the density of matter. As we embark on the path of evolution and ascend from this outdated paradigm, electrons will eventually be replaced by positrons.
Quantum Physics plays a pivotal role in this understanding, introducing us to the concept of a positron’s existence. The teachings of Ramtha’s school of enlightenment, guided by the Lemurian Ramtha from 35,000 years ago, and insights from Ashayana Deane, who communicates with Mu, further contribute to this cosmic reality.
Scientists, since the 1930s, grappled with the existence of positrons. Early studies suggested that if positrons existed, hydrogen and electrons would dissolve—a notion aligning with our return to the reality of H202HE3, where hydrogen transforms into helium and electrons shift to positrons.
Dmitri Skobeltsyn’s observation of positrons in 1929 marked a crucial discovery, revealing their behavior opposite to electrons in a magnetic field. Yoichiro Nambu’s insights connected positron behavior to the concept of evolution—changing direction from past to future, reflecting a shift in our journey towards new possibilities.
Carl D. Anderson’s discovery of the positron in 1932, winning the Nobel Prize, established it as the first evidence of antimatter. The term “positron” was coined, and subsequent research revealed positrons’ production in solar flares, offering an exciting opportunity to study antimatter from a readily available source.
The process of ascension involves the incorporation of anti-particles into one particle, symbolizing the merging of the anti-particle universe with the particle universe—the spiritual with the physical. The sun’s emission of positrons into our atmosphere signifies a transformation in our bodies and consciousness.
Understanding the positron unveils a higher level of comprehension than protons and photons. It signifies the return of the primordial spiritual essence of our universe—a merging of antimatter and the quantum spiritual invisible substance of creation.
By using the mirror, a device practiced in walking into the mirror, we learn to sense antimatter and encounter it face-to-face. This mirror effect within our brains enables us to manifest the reality we desire through our midbrain, preparing for the grand manifestation.
Observing the back of the candle in the mirror, appearing as a blue sphere, and detecting antimatter allows us to replicate this relationship in a negative midbrain photograph. Training the brain to perceive antimatter becomes crucial in recognizing our parallel spiritual reality and entering the fifth dimension.
Describing these processes as analogous to those inside the sun, this awareness is expected to reach everyone in a few years. We are in a special flow, transitioning from material, physical beings to energetic and enlightened beings. Joining this flow is an invitation to experience the transformation differently, moving from one dimension to another, questioning our true identity and pondering whether we return to our origin as pure energy, eternal souls. Chaos brings creation, and order is static. This research serves as a beautiful meditation on the ascension experience.